Why choose Flight?
Because the bird symbolizes flight, soaring, and freedom. The bird's flight embodies the dreams and goals of schools and their communities. It symbolizes aspiration.
The image of a small bird provides a practical counterbalance to this lofty flight. I firmly believe in making small, sustainable changes that collectively contribute to a larger, aspirational goal. These small changes and seemingly minor initiatives, when executed cohesively and in harmony, propel the school toward achieving its ultimate aspiration; to fly.
What does Flight do?
Our purpose is to take what is rich within a school, review what needs attention, and work with the school to develop a cohesive process and plan a change or development process that will work for the school and is sustainable. One that has the school vision as the aspirational goal and the anchor at its core and works to ensure that every action and initiative taken by the school aims at helping the akonga meet this vision, live the school values, and develop the skills required to be able to eventually leave with their mana intact and their heads held high, ready to embrace the next stage of their lives.
So what we offer is a partnership that respects the mana of the school and aims at empowering the school in order to empower its akonga.
We identify what areas the school needs/wants to work on and at what level they want this focus to be applied and develop a plan around these targetted areas. We plan with an awareness of the interconnections that operate within the ecosystem that is a school.
We look at a school as a living ecosystem and not a fragmented series of cells.
After all, when a flower does not thrive we don't just blame the plant, we look at the environment that surrounds it, the nutrients in the soil, the sunlight, water, etc.
Our learners are our flowers.
Please get in contact and let's have a conversation about how Flight can work for you.